Anyway, I also discovered that I like the tax system of Singapore. You really don't appreciate what you have until you don't have it, and I really get disgusted when Singaporeans complain about the tax in Singapore. Do they know that Singapore has one of the lowest tax rates in the world???
It's really hilarious when people go out shopping like crazy because they say that the tax is going up 1% or whatsoever, and complain all day long that the tax is going up. GST is 17.5% here!!! That's like 3 times the GST back in Singapore!! It really annoys me so much when people complain about GST.
Then of course is the income tax. I just received my first pay check (actually not really, I worked for 1 day last year haha for a STB convention but it was too little to be taxed anyway), and horrors! I got taxed £359.33!!! That's actually how much i earned a month working last summer!!!
So people, please stop complaining about the tax system. When you get taxed £359.33, then go ahead. But for now, shut the **** up. :)
Oh, and I also disapprove of a welfare state. I think people should be responsible for their own welfare. I am paying National Insurance (welfare) for hospitals that I don't use, state pensions that I wont get. I'm so tempted to make myself fall sick so I can use the free hospital just to get my money's worth. Ok just kidding.
But really, the people who always complain about the tax system, are always the people who DON'T PAY TAX. And the people who supports the welfare system are usually the jobless people relying on the rich to pay for their welfare, just because they are too lazy to work. I really don't believe that if you are willing to work, there isn't some sort of work that you can find - even getting a job that pays a little is still a job. Getting a job that you think is beneath you, or being jobless - which is more pathetic?
Then of course, are the old people who don't work and don't save, and end up relying on the young working population to pay for their retirement. I really think CPF is a good idea now, because you save for yourself, and you get back what you put in. If everyone uses the CPF method, then they won't have to worry about greying population! Hahahahahaha, ok that is me being childish, but if you took a child's look at it, it is rather true to a certain extent because the only person who have to support the old people are the old people themselves, so you don't have to think about how many young people are supporting the old people in the economy. If you don't work and don't save when you're younger, then you don't eat! Serves you right! :D
Unfortunately, the people who don't pay tax makes up the majority of the country and the government is bounded to respond to the majority. So pity the poor rich people who have to suffer at the hands of the poor lazy people who complains all day long.
**Of course, I am not complaining about the people who are genuinely not capable of working due to health issues.
**I am super scared that I will be jobless one day. Hahahaha. Can you tell? I really am scared that I'll fall into the very ranks of people that I despise. I need a job.
I'm really quite excited because the economy was hitting my last desk pretty badly and everyone was quite bored. But at the new desk, it's sort of negatively related to the last desk so if the last desk was free, the new desk is busy so i'll be busy, busy, busy! I suddenly realise that I do like being busy. :)
But, I will definitely miss my old desk. All the people were outrageously nice! It's impossible to be so nice. Just on friday, my duty manager heard that I had a project to do on a new product that I've never come across, and she had to leave early. So she called me up on the bus to explain to me what the product was. Like, wtf? Where do you find people like that? And my other line managers always sit me down when they are free to explain a new project or a new product to me patiently especially since I always have an empty look on my face. They're such lovely people!!! :) Am going to miss them so much, but I guess I can always go up and see them.
Anywayz, I really like my 3 screens. I'm still amused at how the mouse can travel from one screen into another. Would be super cool if one day I had one of those desk with 8 screens. WoohoO! But actually, what i have is on 1 screen, is MindAlign, the internal chat program to chat with colleagues and other interns, the other on my email, where the interns spam each other, and the last one on Wikipedia or some news website. :D And when my bloomberg is working, then it'll probably be on bloomberg's msn chatting away again. :D
Oh oh, and I still think it's super funny how they say the kiwi is going up or down. THE KIWI!!!!! :D
Gerald said something even funnier. 'The pound is falling. Too heavy.'
Horoscopes say that I have a big love-life choice to make this coming August!
I know friend will laugh if he saw that I am reading my horoscopes again, but it doesn't really matter. I guess to a lot of people, they like to see that they can sort of 'control' the things that nooe can control, and horoscopes are sort of a way that people feel that they are controlling those uncontrollable elements in their life. Or at least catch a glimpse, no matter how twarted, of what may happen that they can't control in the hope that they can brace themselves for it.
I don't really believe in it; but i like to read them, and i find no fault in doing so because it keeps me entertained for that few moments.
There is no right or wrong in life; just a difference in views.
I like my European culture company; I never did realise that there was a difference until everyone started complaining about how bad the situation was at their American ones, when i finally realised that there was a great gap in culture between the two. I have never had the problem of asking anybody any questions, and they were more than willing to teach; which was really a blessing because I don't really ask questions, I just absorb.
Even the interns are great to each other, unlike all the cat fighting that I've heard about at other companies, people being selfish; people turning selfish and becoming increasingly repugnant.
I really like the people at my work place, their openness, their ability to be so nice 24 hours. But i think to a great extent, I'm not given enough to show any of my capabilities. I need to be doing more, but have no idea where to start. And it's already half way. I feel a little sad, and pointless.
I wish there was no merger. I think it's so hard to find a place that you really do like, and now it's going to be diffused into a subset of another company where noone knows what the culture will diverge into. Also, is the probability that they are not giving out any job offers given that the future of the company itself is unknown.
I know if i bothered to stop and think for a moment, everything will come rushing right at me; the truth that I have been avoiding for ages, because of my own refusal to see. The things that I've lost, gained, loved, hated. A sub-plot of the very same story that has been replayed over and over again, like a bad dream that wouldn't stop night after night.
A lot of things are just right there; just short of acknowledgement.
Fantasy versus reality; tell me what do i believe? Do I believe in what i think could be there, or what i think is already there?
Things have changed.
Like I've always said, 'nice' is highly comparable entity; when placed side by side amongst different degrees and variations, and ultimately ranked, it loses its meaning and no longer seem as glamourous nor as significant as before.
I keep losing the things I believe in.
I'm grabbing on to a mobile pole, sliding along, up and down.
And the last thing that I'm holding on to, is Hope. Hope that things happens for a reason, not just a random occurance; to bring about a better possibility, a better day at the end. Or perhaps, to another route that was undiscovered before then.
I hate my bed being stucked in the middle of nowhere.
Was fooling around with facebook when i suddenly realised that quite a lot of the friends that i didn't like, are now good friends with other friends i don't like.
I guess, the precise qualities about them that i find disgusting are similar in each and every of those people, and that is why they connect so well because they are similarly disgusting. I gave a little thought, and realised, how true.
It's funny though, that the people i find superficial and pretentious are great friends with the exact same kind of people. How can they put up with each other, with neither of which willing to show other people who they really are, and both of which stabbing each other in the back? I remember a girl who told me how she thought another friend of mine is totally not pretty, gossiping behind her back almost every other day, criticising her beliefs, and then now they are the best of friends, and living together. Then there was the class bitch, with the school bitch; now they are each other's bitch.
It's amazing what life brings you; it brings you together with the very last person you'd expect to meet.
I like new housemate! Despite the fact that she will only be living with us for a month before we move to our new house.
She cooks really nice food, and knows how to cook a lot more others. Am happy almost all the time. Can talk about anything in the world with me. Eats a lot like me. Don't like kids, like me. Cannot stand thinking about marriage right now, also like me. Is not an overly religious person (emphasis: overly) therefore wont bring the whole church into the house. :D :D :D
AND. SHE IS A CLEANLINESS FREAK! :D Lots of stars to her for that one! :D
Too bad she's British and doesn't plan to live out for the next school term or something, or she'd have made the bestest housemate ever! Ok, maybe after Gerald, because Gerald provides homework, withstands my tantrums and puts up with my cup and bowl obsessions, and an arm (or two) to carry the groceries. Hee. :D
Speaking of which, i really am very excited to move into the new house in August! Finally! Nice big fridge, clean house, nicely stacked plates and bowls, big tables. The corner room. Bed against wall. Will take lots of pictures when i move in to show everyone how nice my new house is. :D
I can't help but feel blessed sometimes. Maybe it's to make up for all the pain and suffering that other people dont go through. :) There's always a silver lining to every dark cloud. :)
Educating Have never learnt so many new words, concepts, ideas in a single day. Nor looked so stupid continuously for so many hours. But the people in there are really wonderful and really, reallly willing to teach, no matter how stupid you are. It's really amazing how nice the people are, considering how much they earn and i thought they would be really some stuck-up asses, but was proven otherwise. Am somewhat sad that the company will be taken over soon; hope it doesn't affect the company's identity because i really like the people there, or my job prospects.
Fattening Free food is always a good thing financially, and a bad thing horizontally. I split my skirt on the fourth day of work, so am not going to say much more, except that i guess this is the reason why most bankers are fat.
All about Networking You think you're there to slog, but really, you're there to try to get as close to people as possibe, and to make everyone love the wonderful, amazing and impossibly intelligent you. Or at least pretend to be. But i am, so i don't have to pretend. Hahahahahaha. -_- Whatever. Always think of the most random things to say, and make sure that you can continue saying them even after 2 glasses of wine and 3 hours later.
Without Female Companions I could walk 5 rows of 6 men each, and not see a single female person.
Surprisingly FUN Maybe i'll decide not to be a Taitai afterall...
It's amazing how fast you have to grow up all of a sudden, and sometimes i feel sad that i can't even be young again at home because everyone is working and somehow brought that sense of office-ness back home. I like my work place, but misses how school life is like; silly, jolly, absolute brainlessness. But i need to grow up, and i don't want to; I wish I had been a little more crazy when i was younger.
Housemate is making me feel depressed. :( She talks about weddings all the time!!! EVERY DAY! EVERY NIGHT! She was just saying today that people are rushing to get married today because it's 070707 today. Yesterday she was talking about some wedding gifts or something, or another friend getting married.
I think she's driving me nuts with her marriage talk.
I need a boyfriend. -_- I think it's the fact that almost all my fellow interns are attached, and her telling me everyday that someone is getting married, that has got my hormones all crazy and hoping someone would just tell me that they love me too. Haha. Nobody loves me! :(
Day 1: Free Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner with Drinks. Day 2: Free Lunch Day 3: Free Lunch Day 4: Free Lunch & BBQ Dinner
The bestest thing is, was expecting sandwiches when they told us lunch was provided for on training days; so walked out slowly from the classroom at 1pm cuz there wasn't much to look forward to right?
WRONG! It was like, proper hot food! Stewed beef, risotto, potatoes, stirfried vege, salad, fruits. And cookies with tea every 1.5hrs. Am totally aware now why there are no skinny traders.
First day was the best, had sit down dinner where u had to eat demurely while they serve different courses to you. Desert was SO lovely that i forgot to talk to my boss because i was so focussed on eating it. Hurhurhurhur.
I am SO going to get fat.
Everyone else is SO nice too! :) Though the girl-guy ratio is really, really horrendous at 4 out of 20. o_O
But of course, life is not all flowery and filled with butterflies. Have got first assignment which includes a lot of reading and research. My file of notes for just today is about 100 pages. Like friend says, there is no normal job with abnormal pay. How damn right. But we will wait and see yupz? It's not too bad just yet. :)